How To Set Dynamic ObjectProperty Keys in JavaScript ES6

Javascript expects strings as object keys.

const myObj = {
key1: 'property1'

What if I want my key to be dynamically set?

const myArr = ['all', 'your', 'base'];
let myObj = {};
myArr.forEach(item => {
myObj = {...myObj, item: 'property1'};
console.log(myObj);// This code will create an object with 'item' as the key, not the items found in the array, as we want.

The solution

The solution is quite simple. Simply add a square bracket when setting the key.

const myArr = ['all', 'your', 'base'];
let myObj = {};
myArr.forEach(item => {
myObj = {...myObj, [item]: 'property1'};

Happy Coding!



Mendel Bakaleynik

FullStack Dev. Working to bring acts of goodness and kindness to the world.